Hey there everyone!
I know I have been slacking with my blogging. I can't apologize enough.
As I have said before, due to certain reasons I won't get into, I am going to hold off on posting my blog entry on Tutta, aka Suzann Pettersen. I love and respect her, and think she's some of the hottest ish out there, but will have to put a pause on the post (nice alliteration there, I know) and I know some of you may be upset, but understand I have my reasons.
I will be putting up a few things I haven't posted yet in the coming days. I hope everyone has a most wonderful night, week, and month of September! Tis football (American football) season!
Thank you all again for your support and your kind words! I am grateful for you all, as well as the lessons being taught to me everyday by you all. Thank you, heroes!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Next step
I am not even going to go into what took place this week in France regarding twitter. If I did, I would stop blogging as well, and that is not something I would like to do. Either way, screw you all, jerkwads. (that is to say screw you to all the jerkwads. Not screw you all. Many of you are fantastic and I am grateful to have you in my life. Just not you jerkwads out there. And to them, I say, screw you. Yes. That's right.)
So, based on the poll that I started earlier this week, it seems to me that the vast majority of you want to know something about a player on tour.
Which is fair enough, as there are so many things that are constantly whispered about, and there are nearly no clear cut and true answers. So, that being said, I have listed a few players that I find interesting, and would love to write a bit about. You can choose below, or if enough of you vote for "other", then I will change the options. Hope you enjoy!
Sorry the poll is so long, I don't know how to make the lines tighter! Sorry!
So, based on the poll that I started earlier this week, it seems to me that the vast majority of you want to know something about a player on tour.
Which is fair enough, as there are so many things that are constantly whispered about, and there are nearly no clear cut and true answers. So, that being said, I have listed a few players that I find interesting, and would love to write a bit about. You can choose below, or if enough of you vote for "other", then I will change the options. Hope you enjoy!
Sorry the poll is so long, I don't know how to make the lines tighter! Sorry!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Week of Madness!!!
Well, my week off was pretty spectacular.
After playing for five weeks straight, I was really looking forward to having some time off and just be home. I woke up at 4:07am on Monday morning, got ready, and was on the road to head to the airport by 5. My parents, who drove up from Florida to visit me, were kind enough to drive back with all of my clubs and luggage. It felt so amazing to just fly with my carry-on bags. MacBook Pro, iPad, iPhone, blackberry, cameras, nook, and nearly every other electronic were in my hand, but other than that, I was flying solo. It was amazing!
John Raser was sweet enough to pick me up, and we went out to grab a quick brunchie thing. Hitting up First Watch, one of the greatest food spots in the world, we sat and laughed the entire time. As John quoted in his twitter timeline we were the loudest people in the establishment, as usual. After dropping me off at my house, taking a quick tour (only a half a dozen people in the world have endured that feat), meeting my big brother, and pointing and laughing at the way my mother decorated the house, he drove off to take care of his things. I tell you, I have some pretty strengthy friends out there! Many thanks, and many hugs to John. You rock.
I then went on to spend the next 17 hours straight just chilling in my bed. I had my MacBook Pro, iPad, iPhone (4, as it arrived at my house at noon on Monday, woot woot!), blackberry, remote control to my 65 inch plasma television, and various beverages within arms reach. I turned my bed into a veritable office desk, and proceeded to treat it as such. I slept, watched TV, slept, tweeted, cruised the internet, make a few calls and texts, and slept. Boy did I ever need it as well!
The next two days went on pretty eventless. Helped Raser with some video thingy, and had a chance to grab a quick dinner with some of my closest friends from the Orlando area, Jan, Stef, and Thomas. We hit up Rice Paper, where I had the most amazing papaya salad, their bull market roll, and a glass of wine. We caught up, chatted about everything, caught up as much as possible, then I had to bounce, as I had a very very early day ahead of me.
On Thursday, John and I had a, 8:25am teetime in Jacksonville at TPC Sawgrass with Eric Bass, bassist of the platinum-record selling rock band, Shinedown. I was up at 4:30, showered, and roaring to go. I arrive at John's place at 5:11, (thank god he lives like 3 miles away from me!) only to find that poor John had only gotten to sleep two hours before I rang his doorbell. He was not quite ready. And by that, I mean he was still in his footie pajamas. Just kidding. About the footie part, anyway. He got ready in record time, and we hit the road. We ended up being late, and I just don't get how most professional golfers are late to everything except for their teetimes. I mean, really. It is quite pathetic. When we screech into the parking lot of the hotel, Eric is in his crisp white polo shirt, and tight black jeans. I f-wording LOVE my rock star friend. He is the absolute best! He had coffee waiting for us, and we bounced.
Upon arriving, the folks with TPC came and greeted us all. Everyone within the staff service was so amazing, and they truly made me feel very special. We had a great round, and Eric blew John and I away by puring his drive down the center, and stuffing his approach shot to eight feet. What a rock star, INDEED!!!!
After our round, we had to bust a move to get Eric back to the arena by 2. The band was having a soundcheck the day before their Carnival of Madness tour started, and we got there right on time. Eric invited John and I to sit and watch their soundcheck, and it was truly the most amazing experience ever. Aside from the lighting, sound, and whatever else kind of production folks were there, it was just Barry, the drummer's, wife, and three other people with her, along with John and me. In this huge stadium. And the band ROCKED the house. I kind of felt like one of those prima donna 16-year old girls whose father bought her a concert for her birthday. Talk about the best day ever!
After watching the guys in the most incredible showing ever, John and I had to hustle back to the O for his benefit dinner, F U Lyme, located in downtown Orlando, at the Other Bar. I drove like a bat out of hell, screaming down the highway going 80mph in torrential rains, and got us to the benefit in record time. I changed in my car, threw on some makeup, and then went on to have an amazing time raising money for Lyme awareness.
Both Eric, and Zach Myers, the lead guitarist for Shinedown, were gracious enough to come to the benefit, and were a huge hit. The band had offered signed CDs, posters, shirts, and pictures for the event, and people were going ape$h!t over these guys, as they should have been! The guys with the band were so amazing to both John and me, it was far beyond anything I would have ever expected, even though Eric and I go back as far as February. To meet people in another industry that are so well established, and yet are so down to Earth and so humble, is such an honor, truly. Thursday night quickly ends, and as John and I send the boys off in the car I hired to shlep them around in, I realized how tired I was. I had to hit the hay, and fast, as I had to be up and ready to go for the Carnival of Madness tour's kickoff the next day!
Friday morning rolls around in a bit of a haze. I got home around 1-1:30 the previous morning, and was awake at 6:57. Like, WIDE awake. There was no chance of me getting any more sleep, so I stayed up, in my office desk/bed, and watched the second round of The Open Championship. Time flew, I had still nowhere near packed for my trip to Europe, and had no plans whatsoever on getting any closer to it. I had a car booked to pick me up at 2-2:30, and hadn't heard a peep from John. I was more than prepared to go on my own, when I get a text from John, stating he was just getting out of bed around 1:48pm. Poor guy hadn't gotten any sleep the entire week before, and was trying to catch up. After getting ready in a hastily manner, Chris, our driver, picks me up, and we swing by John's place to head out. The drive is full of John and me listening to and watching music and videos of Shinedown, and getting amped up for the show. We finally arrive, and catch up with all the guys. The buzz is almost palpable, and everyon eis so stoked!
Because we wanted to leave the guys to do their thing, John and I wander around, watch Sevendust perform, from sidestage, as well as an area where the gen public were not allowed, that was still on the main floor.
I have to tell you, I am a huge fan of music, and I was so impressed with everyone that performed. Sevendust and Chevelle both were amazing, and I could not think of a better band to immediately precede Shinedown.
The guys had the entire place hopping, and right when Chevelle finished their set, we ran to the guys' dressing room, to grab John's flip, when we came across the guys doing their last bits of getting ready. To be able to not only witness, but also partake IN their ceremonies, was pretty damned amazing, and it is something I am ever so grateful for having done in my life. Right before heading back out, Brent looked at me and said "I expect you to be the loudest person out there." Ah, if he only kneeeeeeeeeeeew! We ran back on the floor, and stood with Barry's family, and I made a complete ass of myself.
I have never seen an opening to a show like this before. I had seen it the day before during their soundcheck, but I never imagined it would be so raw and so insane! I was screaming "like a 13 yr old at a Justin Bieber concert" (as tweeted by George Lopez back during the NBA Finals). After the show, I was told I won the award for "Girl Who Knew Every Word to Every Song" and Barry's wife called me adorable because of everyone on the platform, I was the only one jumping around, thrashing my neck to the point of it falling off, and screaming/singing. I was not going to let Brent or any of the boys down, that is for DAMNED SURE!!!
Brent and the boys did an amazing act, other than just playing 3 extra songs during their encore. Brent ended up walking off stage, and went ON THE FLOOR and sang "Simple Man" with everyone, myself included. I have here the video, which is nearly ruined because you hear me wailing in the background like a babboon... I did the boys proud, lol...
Here is a video of Chevelle, the group playing just before Shinedown went on. They have been one of my favorite bands for a long time as well, and so I had a blast, from start to finish!!!
More to come in a bit! I have to go practice before playing a quick nine!!!! But regardless, BEST WEEK EVER!!!! The only thing that was missing from the puzzle??? Not having Brian White there! You were missed dearly, my sweet sweet doctor friend!
After playing for five weeks straight, I was really looking forward to having some time off and just be home. I woke up at 4:07am on Monday morning, got ready, and was on the road to head to the airport by 5. My parents, who drove up from Florida to visit me, were kind enough to drive back with all of my clubs and luggage. It felt so amazing to just fly with my carry-on bags. MacBook Pro, iPad, iPhone, blackberry, cameras, nook, and nearly every other electronic were in my hand, but other than that, I was flying solo. It was amazing!
John Raser was sweet enough to pick me up, and we went out to grab a quick brunchie thing. Hitting up First Watch, one of the greatest food spots in the world, we sat and laughed the entire time. As John quoted in his twitter timeline we were the loudest people in the establishment, as usual. After dropping me off at my house, taking a quick tour (only a half a dozen people in the world have endured that feat), meeting my big brother, and pointing and laughing at the way my mother decorated the house, he drove off to take care of his things. I tell you, I have some pretty strengthy friends out there! Many thanks, and many hugs to John. You rock.
I then went on to spend the next 17 hours straight just chilling in my bed. I had my MacBook Pro, iPad, iPhone (4, as it arrived at my house at noon on Monday, woot woot!), blackberry, remote control to my 65 inch plasma television, and various beverages within arms reach. I turned my bed into a veritable office desk, and proceeded to treat it as such. I slept, watched TV, slept, tweeted, cruised the internet, make a few calls and texts, and slept. Boy did I ever need it as well!
The next two days went on pretty eventless. Helped Raser with some video thingy, and had a chance to grab a quick dinner with some of my closest friends from the Orlando area, Jan, Stef, and Thomas. We hit up Rice Paper, where I had the most amazing papaya salad, their bull market roll, and a glass of wine. We caught up, chatted about everything, caught up as much as possible, then I had to bounce, as I had a very very early day ahead of me.
On Thursday, John and I had a, 8:25am teetime in Jacksonville at TPC Sawgrass with Eric Bass, bassist of the platinum-record selling rock band, Shinedown. I was up at 4:30, showered, and roaring to go. I arrive at John's place at 5:11, (thank god he lives like 3 miles away from me!) only to find that poor John had only gotten to sleep two hours before I rang his doorbell. He was not quite ready. And by that, I mean he was still in his footie pajamas. Just kidding. About the footie part, anyway. He got ready in record time, and we hit the road. We ended up being late, and I just don't get how most professional golfers are late to everything except for their teetimes. I mean, really. It is quite pathetic. When we screech into the parking lot of the hotel, Eric is in his crisp white polo shirt, and tight black jeans. I f-wording LOVE my rock star friend. He is the absolute best! He had coffee waiting for us, and we bounced.
Upon arriving, the folks with TPC came and greeted us all. Everyone within the staff service was so amazing, and they truly made me feel very special. We had a great round, and Eric blew John and I away by puring his drive down the center, and stuffing his approach shot to eight feet. What a rock star, INDEED!!!!
After our round, we had to bust a move to get Eric back to the arena by 2. The band was having a soundcheck the day before their Carnival of Madness tour started, and we got there right on time. Eric invited John and I to sit and watch their soundcheck, and it was truly the most amazing experience ever. Aside from the lighting, sound, and whatever else kind of production folks were there, it was just Barry, the drummer's, wife, and three other people with her, along with John and me. In this huge stadium. And the band ROCKED the house. I kind of felt like one of those prima donna 16-year old girls whose father bought her a concert for her birthday. Talk about the best day ever!
After watching the guys in the most incredible showing ever, John and I had to hustle back to the O for his benefit dinner, F U Lyme, located in downtown Orlando, at the Other Bar. I drove like a bat out of hell, screaming down the highway going 80mph in torrential rains, and got us to the benefit in record time. I changed in my car, threw on some makeup, and then went on to have an amazing time raising money for Lyme awareness.
Both Eric, and Zach Myers, the lead guitarist for Shinedown, were gracious enough to come to the benefit, and were a huge hit. The band had offered signed CDs, posters, shirts, and pictures for the event, and people were going ape$h!t over these guys, as they should have been! The guys with the band were so amazing to both John and me, it was far beyond anything I would have ever expected, even though Eric and I go back as far as February. To meet people in another industry that are so well established, and yet are so down to Earth and so humble, is such an honor, truly. Thursday night quickly ends, and as John and I send the boys off in the car I hired to shlep them around in, I realized how tired I was. I had to hit the hay, and fast, as I had to be up and ready to go for the Carnival of Madness tour's kickoff the next day!
Friday morning rolls around in a bit of a haze. I got home around 1-1:30 the previous morning, and was awake at 6:57. Like, WIDE awake. There was no chance of me getting any more sleep, so I stayed up, in my office desk/bed, and watched the second round of The Open Championship. Time flew, I had still nowhere near packed for my trip to Europe, and had no plans whatsoever on getting any closer to it. I had a car booked to pick me up at 2-2:30, and hadn't heard a peep from John. I was more than prepared to go on my own, when I get a text from John, stating he was just getting out of bed around 1:48pm. Poor guy hadn't gotten any sleep the entire week before, and was trying to catch up. After getting ready in a hastily manner, Chris, our driver, picks me up, and we swing by John's place to head out. The drive is full of John and me listening to and watching music and videos of Shinedown, and getting amped up for the show. We finally arrive, and catch up with all the guys. The buzz is almost palpable, and everyon eis so stoked!
Because we wanted to leave the guys to do their thing, John and I wander around, watch Sevendust perform, from sidestage, as well as an area where the gen public were not allowed, that was still on the main floor.
I have to tell you, I am a huge fan of music, and I was so impressed with everyone that performed. Sevendust and Chevelle both were amazing, and I could not think of a better band to immediately precede Shinedown.
The guys had the entire place hopping, and right when Chevelle finished their set, we ran to the guys' dressing room, to grab John's flip, when we came across the guys doing their last bits of getting ready. To be able to not only witness, but also partake IN their ceremonies, was pretty damned amazing, and it is something I am ever so grateful for having done in my life. Right before heading back out, Brent looked at me and said "I expect you to be the loudest person out there." Ah, if he only kneeeeeeeeeeeew! We ran back on the floor, and stood with Barry's family, and I made a complete ass of myself.
I have never seen an opening to a show like this before. I had seen it the day before during their soundcheck, but I never imagined it would be so raw and so insane! I was screaming "like a 13 yr old at a Justin Bieber concert" (as tweeted by George Lopez back during the NBA Finals). After the show, I was told I won the award for "Girl Who Knew Every Word to Every Song" and Barry's wife called me adorable because of everyone on the platform, I was the only one jumping around, thrashing my neck to the point of it falling off, and screaming/singing. I was not going to let Brent or any of the boys down, that is for DAMNED SURE!!!
Brent and the boys did an amazing act, other than just playing 3 extra songs during their encore. Brent ended up walking off stage, and went ON THE FLOOR and sang "Simple Man" with everyone, myself included. I have here the video, which is nearly ruined because you hear me wailing in the background like a babboon... I did the boys proud, lol...
Here is a video of Chevelle, the group playing just before Shinedown went on. They have been one of my favorite bands for a long time as well, and so I had a blast, from start to finish!!!
More to come in a bit! I have to go practice before playing a quick nine!!!! But regardless, BEST WEEK EVER!!!! The only thing that was missing from the puzzle??? Not having Brian White there! You were missed dearly, my sweet sweet doctor friend!
Friday, July 16, 2010
A Real Quick Funny
So I am sitting here, watching the tv bit of the tragically comical occurrences that take place at the British Open, since there is no golf to be played at the moment. The winds at #11 green are going ape$h!t, and the greens were cut too short. There was a brief clip of a player who's ball ended up inside of a golf cart, and having seen that has inspired me to pass on a funny story that took place a few weeks ago at the Shop Rite Classic.
My caddy, BFunk, shared this with me.
On Sunday's round, Amy Yang and Moira Dunn were playing together. I think they were on the 10th hole, or wherever, as that is neither here nor there. Moira was in a greenside bunker, and Amy stood with her caddy at the front of the green, so as to not be in Moira's way. Amy's caddy, Greg Johnson (who used to work for former world's #1 Lorena Ochoa), had the bag on his shoulders, standing stock still. Because, well, I mean, out of respect for another player, one should always Always ALWAYS stand still. Moira took a swing at the ball laying in the bunker. And there wasn't that beautiful, muted sound that a good bunker shot always makes. Nope. There was a big CLACK, and Greg felt a nanosecond of pressure against his bag. Moira, as it turns out, had made contact with the ball, not the sand. And with the hosel of her club. Not the clubface.
So, after having cold stone shanked the ball, Moira looked up but couldn't find the ball. As it were, no one could see the ball. Turns out, (NO LIE!!!) the ball ended up INSIDE the water bottle pocket of Amy's bag. And because the bag was on Greg's shoulders, he had to stay, unmoving, until a rules official came by to help with the ruling. When Angus, said rules official DID come by, Greg was almost crying with laughter and said "Hey Laddie, I'll bet you that you will never find this ball." Unfortunately, neither Moira or her caddy found the situation funny at all. And Amy, as it seems, did not even notice, and so there was no one at all to share such a bizarre and hilarious moment on the golf course with.
On another note, several of the caddies were talking last week at Oakmont, and Juli Inkster's name came up. It was her 31st US Women's Open, she is 50 years old, and the question as to when she would retire came up. Greg (we call him Greggor) used to caddy for Juli for years and years, and with a chortle, noted that he could get Lorena Ochoa to retire(which of course, HE didn'tt, but not even he can make Juli Inkster retire. lmao. OK, the golf is back on. BYE!
My caddy, BFunk, shared this with me.
On Sunday's round, Amy Yang and Moira Dunn were playing together. I think they were on the 10th hole, or wherever, as that is neither here nor there. Moira was in a greenside bunker, and Amy stood with her caddy at the front of the green, so as to not be in Moira's way. Amy's caddy, Greg Johnson (who used to work for former world's #1 Lorena Ochoa), had the bag on his shoulders, standing stock still. Because, well, I mean, out of respect for another player, one should always Always ALWAYS stand still. Moira took a swing at the ball laying in the bunker. And there wasn't that beautiful, muted sound that a good bunker shot always makes. Nope. There was a big CLACK, and Greg felt a nanosecond of pressure against his bag. Moira, as it turns out, had made contact with the ball, not the sand. And with the hosel of her club. Not the clubface.
So, after having cold stone shanked the ball, Moira looked up but couldn't find the ball. As it were, no one could see the ball. Turns out, (NO LIE!!!) the ball ended up INSIDE the water bottle pocket of Amy's bag. And because the bag was on Greg's shoulders, he had to stay, unmoving, until a rules official came by to help with the ruling. When Angus, said rules official DID come by, Greg was almost crying with laughter and said "Hey Laddie, I'll bet you that you will never find this ball." Unfortunately, neither Moira or her caddy found the situation funny at all. And Amy, as it seems, did not even notice, and so there was no one at all to share such a bizarre and hilarious moment on the golf course with.
On another note, several of the caddies were talking last week at Oakmont, and Juli Inkster's name came up. It was her 31st US Women's Open, she is 50 years old, and the question as to when she would retire came up. Greg (we call him Greggor) used to caddy for Juli for years and years, and with a chortle, noted that he could get Lorena Ochoa to retire(which of course, HE didn'tt, but not even he can make Juli Inkster retire. lmao. OK, the golf is back on. BYE!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
I am not an oracle or anything... buuuut...
Real brief. Last week at the Jamie Farr Owens Corning Classic, after my one hour lesson with Ron Stockton, I set three (very lofty) goals for myself. In order for me to win the JFOCC, I told myself that I would have to
1. Shoot all four rounds in the 60s.
2. Break 200 through three rounds.
3. Make zero double bogeys.
Now I know that the third requirement I set for myself seemed like a no $hi+, Sherlock, but I had been having a DB barrage over the last several weeks. Between the two previous weeks, if I had removed my doubles from my rounds, I would have been in the top ten. Both weeks. Comical. But not.
Now, that being said. Let's see where I stacked up.
1. I shot 66-67-67-70. I failed to shoot all four rounds in the 60s. I thus went on and lost in a playoff.
2. I shot 66-67-67 through three rounds. That equals 200. I thus went on and lost in a playoff.
3. I made one double bogey, on the 55th hole. Stupid, stupid girl. I thus went on and lost in a playoff.
Now I am no prophet, just by seeing the layout of the golf course, and knowing how I was feeling, I knew what I had to do to win this tournament. It seems freaky, but I just knew... And came up just short. Nuts. ON TO THE US WOMEN'S OPEN!!!
1. Shoot all four rounds in the 60s.
2. Break 200 through three rounds.
3. Make zero double bogeys.
Now I know that the third requirement I set for myself seemed like a no $hi+, Sherlock, but I had been having a DB barrage over the last several weeks. Between the two previous weeks, if I had removed my doubles from my rounds, I would have been in the top ten. Both weeks. Comical. But not.
Now, that being said. Let's see where I stacked up.
1. I shot 66-67-67-70. I failed to shoot all four rounds in the 60s. I thus went on and lost in a playoff.
2. I shot 66-67-67 through three rounds. That equals 200. I thus went on and lost in a playoff.
3. I made one double bogey, on the 55th hole. Stupid, stupid girl. I thus went on and lost in a playoff.
Now I am no prophet, just by seeing the layout of the golf course, and knowing how I was feeling, I knew what I had to do to win this tournament. It seems freaky, but I just knew... And came up just short. Nuts. ON TO THE US WOMEN'S OPEN!!!
Out with the Old, In with the New Old Putter
Sooooo... I think I failed to mention the excursion that I undertook the Tuesday and Wednesday of the LPGA Championship Presented by Wegmans. I have been suffering greatly with my putter all year long, and have gone through nearly a half a dozen switches of the flatstick in six months, be it due to a switch of the grip, or a switch of actual hardware. Just under a week before I got my lesson with Ron Stockton, I stood on the golf course, where I have played some amazing golf in the past, and I had my most beloved Scotty Cameron MY GIRL putter in my hands. I love that putter with all my might, and yet I was unable to make a single putt. My speed was all off, my lines, whatever, everything.
I thought back to the last time that I putted well, and it was last year, the Solheim Cup, the Safeway Classic, The LPGA CVS Pharmacy LPGA Challenge. I had my Odyssey Sabertooth. It was big. It was bulky, but it worked. I used Scotty Camerons, which I still love, but they just never go in. I love my TaylorMade Corza Ghost, but my speed is just off. Everything was great with my Sabertooth for a long time, and I just felt like if I stood over it again, I would have the key piece that I have been missing. So, I send a text to the LPGA Callaway rep, Lance. I ask if he had a single bend Sabertooth on him. Turns out he had a double bend neck, but no single bend. He said he would order it, but there was no guarantee it would be made available until late on Wednesday. So, I start to make some phonecalls. I go to the proshop of Locust Hill, I call four golf shops. They all deny having any single bend Sabertooths. The final shop that I call, they say "Yes, we DO have a single bend Sabertooth" and I beg them to put a hold on said putter.
Once the Tuesday pro-am was canceled, I hopped in my car, popped into my GPS the address for the shop, but I instead put in Avenue and not Street. When I started the drive, I encountered stand still traffic for nearly a half hour. Finally, I got to the address... Some 15 miles off from the golf course I was meant to drive to. Finally, after a curse-filled drive, I ended up pulling into the parking lot of the golf course. Only to find out that the shop carried a DOUBLE BEND NECK Sabertooth. I kindly thanked the guy behind the desk for holding the wrong putter for me, and sort of zombie-walked back to my car. I was driving back to the hotel, to change for my book reading and signing at the local Barnes & Noble, and as I drove down the highway, I let out a scream that lasted for no less than seven seconds.
The next morning, I pulled into the golf course, and lo and behold, Lance had my putter made out in Carlsbad and shipped overnight express to arrive at the locker room by 10am. Once I was united with my putter, all the stress and the problems from the evening before faded away and I putted my way to bliss.
Mix that with my lesson with Ron Stockton, and I am a whole new putter. So, out with the old, in with the new. Old. Putter. I am so excited for what is to come!!!
I thought back to the last time that I putted well, and it was last year, the Solheim Cup, the Safeway Classic, The LPGA CVS Pharmacy LPGA Challenge. I had my Odyssey Sabertooth. It was big. It was bulky, but it worked. I used Scotty Camerons, which I still love, but they just never go in. I love my TaylorMade Corza Ghost, but my speed is just off. Everything was great with my Sabertooth for a long time, and I just felt like if I stood over it again, I would have the key piece that I have been missing. So, I send a text to the LPGA Callaway rep, Lance. I ask if he had a single bend Sabertooth on him. Turns out he had a double bend neck, but no single bend. He said he would order it, but there was no guarantee it would be made available until late on Wednesday. So, I start to make some phonecalls. I go to the proshop of Locust Hill, I call four golf shops. They all deny having any single bend Sabertooths. The final shop that I call, they say "Yes, we DO have a single bend Sabertooth" and I beg them to put a hold on said putter.
Once the Tuesday pro-am was canceled, I hopped in my car, popped into my GPS the address for the shop, but I instead put in Avenue and not Street. When I started the drive, I encountered stand still traffic for nearly a half hour. Finally, I got to the address... Some 15 miles off from the golf course I was meant to drive to. Finally, after a curse-filled drive, I ended up pulling into the parking lot of the golf course. Only to find out that the shop carried a DOUBLE BEND NECK Sabertooth. I kindly thanked the guy behind the desk for holding the wrong putter for me, and sort of zombie-walked back to my car. I was driving back to the hotel, to change for my book reading and signing at the local Barnes & Noble, and as I drove down the highway, I let out a scream that lasted for no less than seven seconds.
The next morning, I pulled into the golf course, and lo and behold, Lance had my putter made out in Carlsbad and shipped overnight express to arrive at the locker room by 10am. Once I was united with my putter, all the stress and the problems from the evening before faded away and I putted my way to bliss.
Mix that with my lesson with Ron Stockton, and I am a whole new putter. So, out with the old, in with the new. Old. Putter. I am so excited for what is to come!!!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Final round of the JFOCC
Sunday morning rolled up. I woke up bleary eyed and delirious. Meaning I slept AMAZINGLY. After getting ready, doing my LPGA Fitness Trailer taping thing, I started my warm-up routine. It had been some 10 months since I last was in the final pairing of any tournament, and BOY did I miss that feeling!!!
After I striped my 4-iron off the tee, dead into the teeth of the wind, I was left with an awkward tweener shot. I hit my approach shot through the green, and NYC hit her approach shot 2 inches past mine and our balls were nearly touching. After marking my ball, she chipped her ball to five feet, leaving the area our balls were sitting in a mangled mess. I flubbed my chip, and ended up making bogey. After two pars, I was getting frustrated and felt that I was putting right where I wanted to, how I wanted to, but somehow the putts weren't dropping. Finally, on the fourth hole, after hitting a wedge from 127 yards to about 13 feet left of the hole, I made a huge, curling putt, with impeccable speed. Though that was a confidence booster, a misjudged shot on the fifth hole led to a three-putt bogey.
The eighth hole was another hiccup. After a horrible teeshot so far left that I had to punch out left and play seventeenth hole, I lipped out a six foot putt about 96 degrees for another three-putt bogey. MORE FRUSTRATIONS!!!! ROAR!!!! I took that frustration and stuck my teeshot on the eighth hole to about eight feet, and after rolling in the putt, I told myself that I could birdie the next hole, get back to even on the day, and be right back into it. After all, the back nine is where I shine. Alas, I missed an 11 foot putt for birdie, and turned in +1 34.
Another sniped teeshot on the tenth hole resulted me ending up in another evergreen tree, and this time, I had no choice but to take an unplayable. I had to pull my ball back about forty yards, and I was left with a 186 yard shot back into the green. I had to play a 40 yard hook, and unfortunately only hooked it about 20 yards, and hitting it only 150 yards forward. That left me with a 38 yard bunker shot, where I managed to blast about ten feet from the hole. That was my fourth shot. I just lipped out my bogey putt, and then before I knew it, I was four down. The tournament was trying to slip from my hand, but I wasn't having it. B and I knew I owned the back nine, and so we went with no fear.
On the 11th hole, I hit a 9-iron from 127 yards, back into the breeze, to about 28 feet left. Yes, I pulled the crap out of the shot, but the hole locations were tight, with no more than five to twelve feet to work with on most edges of the greens. I had a downhill, curling putt for birdie, and I found the spot I wanted to roll it over, and that was all I was focused on. The putt rolled over my spot, and there we go, the putt dropped. One down, four more to go, I said to myself.
Twelfth hole. After hitting a stellar teeshot, I had 108 yards to the hole. My 52 degree wedge sailed about fifteen feet long and left of the hole, and once again, I had the perfect spot to roll my putt over. This time, as I saw the putt hit that tiny blade of grass I was focusing on, I said in my head YES. I looked up, and six feet from the cup, I yelled at my ball "GIVE IT TO ME!" When the putt dropped, I gave a fist pump and stalked off to the next hole. Two down.
On the thirteenth hole, which normally plays some 340 yards, the rules officials pushed the teebox up some 46 yards, and after having hit my teeshot on the last hole 290 yards, it was ALMOST the perfect number to have on a tee. However, there was some 35 yards of rough to contend with, and after conversing with B, we decided that I couldn't muscle a driver through that kind of rough. I pulled out my 4-iron, hit a teeshot down the right side of the fairway, and then had 83 yards left to the hole. I pulled out my lob wedge, and hit it to about six feet right of the hole. Draino. Three down. B looked at me, after giving me a fisty/forearm bump, and said "You can't stop progress." For those of you who have listened to Clutch's self-titled album, you know what we mean.
After getting up and down for par on the fourteenth hole, I stood on the tee of the fifteenth, and ripped a drive. Utterly ripped it. Its a 390 yard par 4, and I had a measly 78 yards left. However, there was a tree right in my way. I thought I had no problem to hit over it, but my lie was a bit squidgy, leaving me with the ball below my feet. Of course, back to my studies. TREES ARE 12% AIR.... I clipped a leaf, and it ended up some 34 yards short of the hole. I hit a flop shot, but was left with a crazy 12 footer for par. I was not going to be denied.
After Na Yeon Choi missed her birdie putt from almost the same line, I knew this putt would determine if I had a chance to win or not. I was short and right of the cup, with the green sloping right. However, right where the cup was, I could see from standing below the hole, that it actually moved right to left. I stared down my spot, until I bore a hole into the ground. This putt, like so many others, I denied myself the pleasure of seeing it go in. I just listened for it. When I heard the beautiful sound of the ball falling in, I looked up, fist pumped, and off I was to make birdies on the last two holes.
The seventeenth hole was played perfectly, just as I wanted to. I hit a stellar teeshot, and laid up with a 5-iron to give myself a full swing shot into the green. The hole was 19 paces on, and 3 from the left. There was a longer carry on the left side of the green, and only 6 yards to work with on the left side. I hit my second shot 80 yards from the hole, and came out of it a little bit. It flew nowhere, but ran up a few feet as opposed to spinning back. I was left with a 20 foot putt, up the hill, over a ridge, and pretty much as soon as I hit it, I knew it was in. I yelled "GOT IT!" (as you can see in this picture here. I think I am in the IIIIIIIT part of GOT IT in this shot). I was tied for the lead.
After hitting two stellar shots on the closing hole, I left my third shot short of the cup, yet again. I had a twelve foot putt, and hit it right on line, just a bit too hard. Maybe I was too eager. I made a three and a half footer like it was nothing, to stay in the playoff.
On the first playoff hole the 18th, I was the third to tee off. In Kyung Kim teed off with a 5-wood, Na Yeon hit her 3-wood. I hit my 3-wood, and Song Hee hit her spoon as well. We all hit it to within 15 feet of the hole, and yet none of us made our putts. Talk about a squidgy hole location!!!
The second playoff hole was the 17th hole. We all piped our drives down the center, and everyone went a different way with how to play their second shots. A slew of clubs, from my 6-iron to hybrids to 3-woods were hit. I hit my third shot short again, this time in almost the same spot I hit it to in the tournament. IK hit it twelve feet past, Song Hee hit through the green, and NYC hit a stellar shot to five feet. She had been struggling all day to make something happen, but she hung on strong, and made a fantastic birdie on the 72nd hole to get into the playoff. She was a great fighter, and hit an awesome shot on the 74th hole. We all squirreled around the hole, and finally, Na Yeon rolled her downhill, right to left slider into the center of the cup. She had led wire-to-wire, after missing her first ever cut the week prior at the LPGA Championship Presented by Wegmans, which means she was 62 for 62 tournaments! Talk about amazing! She was a fierce competitor, and I am very proud of the way she fought for that title. She went up during the closing ceremony, thanked her caddy, Paul, who was an amazing support for her, the volunteers, the staff, the sponsors, everyone! All this without any paperwork, no stumbling, and I must say I was personally very proud of her. Take THAT, haters!!! Congratulations again to an awesome champion, a fierce competitor, and an overall awesome girl!!!
After I striped my 4-iron off the tee, dead into the teeth of the wind, I was left with an awkward tweener shot. I hit my approach shot through the green, and NYC hit her approach shot 2 inches past mine and our balls were nearly touching. After marking my ball, she chipped her ball to five feet, leaving the area our balls were sitting in a mangled mess. I flubbed my chip, and ended up making bogey. After two pars, I was getting frustrated and felt that I was putting right where I wanted to, how I wanted to, but somehow the putts weren't dropping. Finally, on the fourth hole, after hitting a wedge from 127 yards to about 13 feet left of the hole, I made a huge, curling putt, with impeccable speed. Though that was a confidence booster, a misjudged shot on the fifth hole led to a three-putt bogey.
The eighth hole was another hiccup. After a horrible teeshot so far left that I had to punch out left and play seventeenth hole, I lipped out a six foot putt about 96 degrees for another three-putt bogey. MORE FRUSTRATIONS!!!! ROAR!!!! I took that frustration and stuck my teeshot on the eighth hole to about eight feet, and after rolling in the putt, I told myself that I could birdie the next hole, get back to even on the day, and be right back into it. After all, the back nine is where I shine. Alas, I missed an 11 foot putt for birdie, and turned in +1 34.
Another sniped teeshot on the tenth hole resulted me ending up in another evergreen tree, and this time, I had no choice but to take an unplayable. I had to pull my ball back about forty yards, and I was left with a 186 yard shot back into the green. I had to play a 40 yard hook, and unfortunately only hooked it about 20 yards, and hitting it only 150 yards forward. That left me with a 38 yard bunker shot, where I managed to blast about ten feet from the hole. That was my fourth shot. I just lipped out my bogey putt, and then before I knew it, I was four down. The tournament was trying to slip from my hand, but I wasn't having it. B and I knew I owned the back nine, and so we went with no fear.
On the 11th hole, I hit a 9-iron from 127 yards, back into the breeze, to about 28 feet left. Yes, I pulled the crap out of the shot, but the hole locations were tight, with no more than five to twelve feet to work with on most edges of the greens. I had a downhill, curling putt for birdie, and I found the spot I wanted to roll it over, and that was all I was focused on. The putt rolled over my spot, and there we go, the putt dropped. One down, four more to go, I said to myself.
Twelfth hole. After hitting a stellar teeshot, I had 108 yards to the hole. My 52 degree wedge sailed about fifteen feet long and left of the hole, and once again, I had the perfect spot to roll my putt over. This time, as I saw the putt hit that tiny blade of grass I was focusing on, I said in my head YES. I looked up, and six feet from the cup, I yelled at my ball "GIVE IT TO ME!" When the putt dropped, I gave a fist pump and stalked off to the next hole. Two down.
On the thirteenth hole, which normally plays some 340 yards, the rules officials pushed the teebox up some 46 yards, and after having hit my teeshot on the last hole 290 yards, it was ALMOST the perfect number to have on a tee. However, there was some 35 yards of rough to contend with, and after conversing with B, we decided that I couldn't muscle a driver through that kind of rough. I pulled out my 4-iron, hit a teeshot down the right side of the fairway, and then had 83 yards left to the hole. I pulled out my lob wedge, and hit it to about six feet right of the hole. Draino. Three down. B looked at me, after giving me a fisty/forearm bump, and said "You can't stop progress." For those of you who have listened to Clutch's self-titled album, you know what we mean.
After getting up and down for par on the fourteenth hole, I stood on the tee of the fifteenth, and ripped a drive. Utterly ripped it. Its a 390 yard par 4, and I had a measly 78 yards left. However, there was a tree right in my way. I thought I had no problem to hit over it, but my lie was a bit squidgy, leaving me with the ball below my feet. Of course, back to my studies. TREES ARE 12% AIR.... I clipped a leaf, and it ended up some 34 yards short of the hole. I hit a flop shot, but was left with a crazy 12 footer for par. I was not going to be denied.
After Na Yeon Choi missed her birdie putt from almost the same line, I knew this putt would determine if I had a chance to win or not. I was short and right of the cup, with the green sloping right. However, right where the cup was, I could see from standing below the hole, that it actually moved right to left. I stared down my spot, until I bore a hole into the ground. This putt, like so many others, I denied myself the pleasure of seeing it go in. I just listened for it. When I heard the beautiful sound of the ball falling in, I looked up, fist pumped, and off I was to make birdies on the last two holes.
The seventeenth hole was played perfectly, just as I wanted to. I hit a stellar teeshot, and laid up with a 5-iron to give myself a full swing shot into the green. The hole was 19 paces on, and 3 from the left. There was a longer carry on the left side of the green, and only 6 yards to work with on the left side. I hit my second shot 80 yards from the hole, and came out of it a little bit. It flew nowhere, but ran up a few feet as opposed to spinning back. I was left with a 20 foot putt, up the hill, over a ridge, and pretty much as soon as I hit it, I knew it was in. I yelled "GOT IT!" (as you can see in this picture here. I think I am in the IIIIIIIT part of GOT IT in this shot). I was tied for the lead.
After hitting two stellar shots on the closing hole, I left my third shot short of the cup, yet again. I had a twelve foot putt, and hit it right on line, just a bit too hard. Maybe I was too eager. I made a three and a half footer like it was nothing, to stay in the playoff.
On the first playoff hole the 18th, I was the third to tee off. In Kyung Kim teed off with a 5-wood, Na Yeon hit her 3-wood. I hit my 3-wood, and Song Hee hit her spoon as well. We all hit it to within 15 feet of the hole, and yet none of us made our putts. Talk about a squidgy hole location!!!
The second playoff hole was the 17th hole. We all piped our drives down the center, and everyone went a different way with how to play their second shots. A slew of clubs, from my 6-iron to hybrids to 3-woods were hit. I hit my third shot short again, this time in almost the same spot I hit it to in the tournament. IK hit it twelve feet past, Song Hee hit through the green, and NYC hit a stellar shot to five feet. She had been struggling all day to make something happen, but she hung on strong, and made a fantastic birdie on the 72nd hole to get into the playoff. She was a great fighter, and hit an awesome shot on the 74th hole. We all squirreled around the hole, and finally, Na Yeon rolled her downhill, right to left slider into the center of the cup. She had led wire-to-wire, after missing her first ever cut the week prior at the LPGA Championship Presented by Wegmans, which means she was 62 for 62 tournaments! Talk about amazing! She was a fierce competitor, and I am very proud of the way she fought for that title. She went up during the closing ceremony, thanked her caddy, Paul, who was an amazing support for her, the volunteers, the staff, the sponsors, everyone! All this without any paperwork, no stumbling, and I must say I was personally very proud of her. Take THAT, haters!!! Congratulations again to an awesome champion, a fierce competitor, and an overall awesome girl!!!
Third round of the JFOCC
The third round started with a slew of excitement for me. Too much excitement, in my opinion! I pulled my teeshot on the first hole, and trying to hit a miraculous second shot, a 157 yd shot that required a 30 yard hook, I turned the ball over too quickly, and slammed my ball into a tree that I was praying to God I would avoid. To the moron who said trees are 90% air, all I have to say is this. NUTS TO YOU. Through my OWN clinical studies, I have come to the conclusion that trees are made of 12% air, not 90%. The other 86% are made up of squirrels, bugs, birdpoo, and BARK. LOTS and LOTS of BARK. Anyway, as I heard my ball go through the heart of a squirrel, clamber about in the branches, there was an eternity of silence, before I saw a splash in the creek in front of me. Mind you, the creek is some 24 feet wide, and I find it utterly hilarious that my ball ended up in the middle of it. I took a drop, some 114 yards from the hole, and stuck it to about 4 feet. After draining my putt, I had nothing to do or say to B. I just looked at him, shook my head, and laughed. He said (for the first of two times that day) "Great bogey."
After a few ho hum pars, I came to the fifth hole. I stuck a 7-iron from some 153 yards or so to about twelve feet right of the hole. It was a tough hole location, and as B and I walked up to the green, a very vocal fan shouted out the me, "Now you actually have a putt at a birdie!!!" I had no idea how to take the "compliment" at all, so I waved at him, smiled, and muttered something under my breath. Lo and behold, my putt fell in the hole, and to that guy-thank you. I think. I went on to birdie the 9th hole in simple fashion, and made the turn in -1 with a 33. Again.
After birdieing the 10th hole, I made a good par on the 11th. Standing on the 12th tee, I felt great, but was distracted in my downswing when I saw a flurry of movement to my left. I pulled the CRAP out of my tee shot, and my ball ended up next to a huge evergreen tree. Thank god it wasn't actually IN said tree, but it was pretty damned close! B and I chatted very VERY briefly. As opposed to trying to play another hook shot, where another forest of trees stared down at me. I decided to just chip out some 40 yards. I took my sand wedge, and sometime between when I set up to my ball and the moment I came to strike the ball, one single branch appeared in the middle of nowhere. It was seriously like a twig. And of course, my studies proved accurate again. I hit the branch, er, twig, and the ball came straight down. Thankfully I had a full swing, and hit a wedge from 133 yards. I pulled it, and the ball ended up some 50 feet short and left of the hole. Stellar. I ended up leaving my 50 foot par putt some 8 feet short (don't ask me how, I thought I whacked the Hell out of the ball), and thanks again to Ron Stockton's teachings, I made the putt. B told me again "Great bogey." We just laughed, and I ended up making three birdies coming in. Including a great birdie on the last. I was 57 yards to the flag for my third shot, with some 3 paces behind the flag before the rough comes up, and I hit it pin-high, about 4 feet, which sent the crowds through the roof. I canned the putt, and before I knew it, I was one stroke behind the leader, NYC. I was to be in the final pairing, and man, it felt GREAT to be in that position again!!!
After a few ho hum pars, I came to the fifth hole. I stuck a 7-iron from some 153 yards or so to about twelve feet right of the hole. It was a tough hole location, and as B and I walked up to the green, a very vocal fan shouted out the me, "Now you actually have a putt at a birdie!!!" I had no idea how to take the "compliment" at all, so I waved at him, smiled, and muttered something under my breath. Lo and behold, my putt fell in the hole, and to that guy-thank you. I think. I went on to birdie the 9th hole in simple fashion, and made the turn in -1 with a 33. Again.
After birdieing the 10th hole, I made a good par on the 11th. Standing on the 12th tee, I felt great, but was distracted in my downswing when I saw a flurry of movement to my left. I pulled the CRAP out of my tee shot, and my ball ended up next to a huge evergreen tree. Thank god it wasn't actually IN said tree, but it was pretty damned close! B and I chatted very VERY briefly. As opposed to trying to play another hook shot, where another forest of trees stared down at me. I decided to just chip out some 40 yards. I took my sand wedge, and sometime between when I set up to my ball and the moment I came to strike the ball, one single branch appeared in the middle of nowhere. It was seriously like a twig. And of course, my studies proved accurate again. I hit the branch, er, twig, and the ball came straight down. Thankfully I had a full swing, and hit a wedge from 133 yards. I pulled it, and the ball ended up some 50 feet short and left of the hole. Stellar. I ended up leaving my 50 foot par putt some 8 feet short (don't ask me how, I thought I whacked the Hell out of the ball), and thanks again to Ron Stockton's teachings, I made the putt. B told me again "Great bogey." We just laughed, and I ended up making three birdies coming in. Including a great birdie on the last. I was 57 yards to the flag for my third shot, with some 3 paces behind the flag before the rough comes up, and I hit it pin-high, about 4 feet, which sent the crowds through the roof. I canned the putt, and before I knew it, I was one stroke behind the leader, NYC. I was to be in the final pairing, and man, it felt GREAT to be in that position again!!!
Second round of the JFOCC
For the second round of the Jamie Farr Owens Corning Classic Presented by Kroger, my wakeup call came far too early. My tee time was at 8:50, and after a very early night, I was rearing to go. I got to the golf course with plenty of time, and not that I am suspicious at all, but I went back to the LPGA Fitness Trailer to get retaped, because, well, I didn't want to potentially hurt myself again!
My round started off with another birdie on the 11th hole, which I must say is pretty damned good. It is a tough hole, with an upside down bowl of a green, and I stuffed an 8 iron from 143 yds, a bit into the breeze, to within 7 feet of the flag. I had to wait until the 17th hole to make another birdie, though. I was still working on the things that Ron Stockton and I talked about on Monday, and I put some great strokes on the ball. However, the putts didn't want to drop for some damnable reason! I turned in -3, and started the back nine with 5 pars. I was standing on the 3rd teebox, feeling great, and ready to make a charge. However, my body had other things in mind. You know, I am truly amazed by the wonders of the human body. I somehow managed to drop kick my driver so badly, the creek that lay in front of the teebox by 30 yards was carried by maybe 7 inches, then my drive bounded up the hill (mind you, this is a blind teeshot we have to hit) and nestled in the rough. A lot of players love to play the hole going 3 wood, 9-iron. I chose to hit my wedge first. Standing some 240 yards from the green, I ripped a 3-wood to about ten yards short of the green, and made an 8-foot putt for par. B (my caddy) and I just looked at each other and laughter erupted. We both scratched our heads and scampered off. I was not in any mood to make bogey, and I said screw it, I don't want to make any more!
One would think that after that lesson, I would take my medicine, and be grateful for the luck I was granted. But, ohhhhhh nooooo. I pulled out the driver on the next hole, pushed my teeshot INTO a tree, and stood there, with no means to hit ANYTHING far enough to hit the green. I took a 6-iron, and pretty much skulled/chipped it out some 60 yards. I was left with 47 yards left to the hole, and hit my 60 degree wedge to about 7 feet left of the hole. I hit an amazing putt, and make yet another amazing up and downgreat birdie on the 6th hole. I hit an 8-iron from 144 yards, knocking it to about 3 feet, and I was feeling great. Until I flubbed my third shot from some 67 yards on the 560some yd par 5 7th hole. I hit my flop to just short of the green, and then went on to thwack my putt about 12 feet past the flag. I put a good stroke on my par putt, and when I didn't hear my putt drop, I was PISSED!!! So mad, in fact, that I went on to make a great birdie on my closing hole, the 9th hole. I hit a 52 degree wedge from 107 yards to about 38 feet, and when I hit the putt, I knew it was in halfway there. After making that great putt, I was the solo clubhouse leader. I was thrilled, and very excited to see where I would stack up against the rest of the field. At the end of the day, I was two strokes out of the lead, and was going to be playing with Alena Sharp of Canada the following day at 12:52. I was stoked, and could not wait to get the round underway!!!!
First round of the JFOCC
Thursday rolls upon me in a blur. After arriving in the parking lot, I scuttle over to the LPGA Fitness Trailer to get my right arm worked on and taped up. I have never felt anything in my arms to the point of getting taped up, and I was a bit sketchy, but I knew that in order for me to get my butt through the round, I would have to suck it up and play with the pain. The tape worked as a shock absorber, and it relieved me of some of my pain.
I have a 12:35pm tee time with Lorie Kane, and Vicky Hurst. We start on the front nine, where I start par, bogey. The first hole is a great opening hole, some 380 yds, where one has to hit a long iron to hybrid off the tee, lest your ball trickle over the edge of a ridge, and you end up with a short shot with a severe sidehill lie. I hit a 4-iron off the tee, and had an 8 iron into the green. I hit the green, 2-putted, and walked off with a par. It's a tough hole to start on, so I was happy. I then went on to 3-whack bogey the second hole, and then went on a barrage thereafter. I birdied the 5th and 7th holes, turned in at -1, and then birdied three of my last nine holes. I had seen Na Yeon Choi had shot 7 under, and when I finished my round, I was two back. I left a lot of shots out there, which gave me some encouragement, but I was still wanting to go out and prove myself the next day.
I have a 12:35pm tee time with Lorie Kane, and Vicky Hurst. We start on the front nine, where I start par, bogey. The first hole is a great opening hole, some 380 yds, where one has to hit a long iron to hybrid off the tee, lest your ball trickle over the edge of a ridge, and you end up with a short shot with a severe sidehill lie. I hit a 4-iron off the tee, and had an 8 iron into the green. I hit the green, 2-putted, and walked off with a par. It's a tough hole to start on, so I was happy. I then went on to 3-whack bogey the second hole, and then went on a barrage thereafter. I birdied the 5th and 7th holes, turned in at -1, and then birdied three of my last nine holes. I had seen Na Yeon Choi had shot 7 under, and when I finished my round, I was two back. I left a lot of shots out there, which gave me some encouragement, but I was still wanting to go out and prove myself the next day.
Jamie Farr Owens Corning Classic Presented by Kroger, Mon-Wed
Man. What an incredible week I have had...
It started on Monday, where, after having gotten a two-hour massage at a spa that ended up being 5 miles and 45 minutes away from my hotel (yes, I got lost. With my GPS. Thanks a lot, Garmin!) I met up with Ron Stockton on the putting green of Highland Meadows Country Club, the site of the Jamie Farr Owens Corning Classic. He and his father, Dave, have worked with some of the world's best players, including Annika Sorenstam, Michelle Wie (briefly), and currently works with Morgan Pressel, Yani Tseng, Amy Hung, Julieta Granada, to name a few. He was available for an hour in the late afternoon, and we had spoken at the State Farm Classic about maybe him giving me an idea as to what I was doing on the putting greens I played in, and so when I got the text from him, I leaped at the chance to work with him.
Though we only worked together for an hour, and much of it was spent laughing and joking around, Ron helped me to see just how jumbled and garbled my mind used to be on the putting green. I truly pride myself in my distance control with my long game, and I had no idea why I could not have the same mentality with my short game. When I went through my routine with Ron, he seemed to be astounded that I managed to make contact at all. I couldn't blame him. When he introduced me to what his methods and beliefs were, I was amazed by the simplicity of it all. My body was standing above the ball, but my mind was already on the hole, on whether I made the putt or not. He helped me to focus on staying within the present, and on making a good stroke, making an adjustment to my spot putting, and before I knew it, I was loving what I was doing on the putting green again! It was as if the light bulb was turned on, and all the voices in my head finally shut up! Poor Ron, however... I joked with him that, while I putted in my flip flops and asked the most asinine, simple, childish questions, he hadn't done a junior clinic in years. I was an absolute sponge, and lapped up every word he said. I was rolling it like a champ, and as strange and simple as it felt, I was sure that my putting mentality was going in the right direction.
Tuesday, I had a quick nine hole practice round with Dorothy Delasin, who was my bunky for the week. We played quickly, had about nine holes of laughter, and I took my new putting method to the course with me.
My caddy, Brian Funk (his nickname on tour is BFunk, and I often shorten it to just B), whom I had been working with since the Shop Rite LPGA in Atlantic City, noticed a new resolve in my eye once we approached the greens. I told him about my lesson with Ron, and he immediately fell in love with the new confidence I had on the greens. After our nine holer, I played in the Image Group Celebrity/Pro Challenge. My group consisted of Stacy Lewis, who partnered with Christine Brennen (sp?), Nancy Lopez with Jamie Farr (talk about an amazing duo. They were hilarious beyond belief), and I was paired up with Henry Cho, comedian and actor. There were six teams, and four of us tied, meaning we were all winners!
Tuesday evening was followed by my book signing in Toledo, which was awesome, and filled with many great questions. I sold a few books, and met some incredible people.
Following the book signing, I met up with some folks for the Annual Player & Caddy Pool Tournament, and though I came to the tournament late, I took part in the raffle prize giveaway, where like four or five of my six tickets won, and I thus went on to wear all of my winnings. I didn't get home until 11:30, which wasn't too late... Until one considers the fact that I had a 7:20am teetime for my proam the next morning...
5:45 am Wednesday morning came far too early for me, but I managed to make it back to the golf course with plenty of time to tie my shoes and waltz to the putting green. My proam partners were with Penn National Gaming, INC. They are in the top three gaming companies, and are working on opening a Hollywood Casino in the greater Toledo area. When we come back in 2012, I am hoping to stay in said casino! Will be fun! The guys were hilarious, and I really had such a remarkable time with them! Its amazing how much fun one can have on the golf course at such an ungodly hour when you have people around you that love life and know how to try and explain craps to you!!!!
After finishing my proam, I briefly hit the range with B, and as I was going through my shots, I grabbed my 5-iron, and hit a really wonky shot. It went straight as an arrow, but I hit it at a weird angle. I felt a sharp pain on the inside of my right elbow, as if I had hyper-extended my elbow, hit three more shots, and then had to scramble to the LPGA Fitness Trailer. Our physios have great skills, and they were able to help prevent too much swelling in my arm. I never play in pain, but the last two weeks have been pretty much riddled in aches. I had no time to mess around with pain, though. I had a tournament to go after!!!
It started on Monday, where, after having gotten a two-hour massage at a spa that ended up being 5 miles and 45 minutes away from my hotel (yes, I got lost. With my GPS. Thanks a lot, Garmin!) I met up with Ron Stockton on the putting green of Highland Meadows Country Club, the site of the Jamie Farr Owens Corning Classic. He and his father, Dave, have worked with some of the world's best players, including Annika Sorenstam, Michelle Wie (briefly), and currently works with Morgan Pressel, Yani Tseng, Amy Hung, Julieta Granada, to name a few. He was available for an hour in the late afternoon, and we had spoken at the State Farm Classic about maybe him giving me an idea as to what I was doing on the putting greens I played in, and so when I got the text from him, I leaped at the chance to work with him.
Though we only worked together for an hour, and much of it was spent laughing and joking around, Ron helped me to see just how jumbled and garbled my mind used to be on the putting green. I truly pride myself in my distance control with my long game, and I had no idea why I could not have the same mentality with my short game. When I went through my routine with Ron, he seemed to be astounded that I managed to make contact at all. I couldn't blame him. When he introduced me to what his methods and beliefs were, I was amazed by the simplicity of it all. My body was standing above the ball, but my mind was already on the hole, on whether I made the putt or not. He helped me to focus on staying within the present, and on making a good stroke, making an adjustment to my spot putting, and before I knew it, I was loving what I was doing on the putting green again! It was as if the light bulb was turned on, and all the voices in my head finally shut up! Poor Ron, however... I joked with him that, while I putted in my flip flops and asked the most asinine, simple, childish questions, he hadn't done a junior clinic in years. I was an absolute sponge, and lapped up every word he said. I was rolling it like a champ, and as strange and simple as it felt, I was sure that my putting mentality was going in the right direction.
Tuesday, I had a quick nine hole practice round with Dorothy Delasin, who was my bunky for the week. We played quickly, had about nine holes of laughter, and I took my new putting method to the course with me.
My caddy, Brian Funk (his nickname on tour is BFunk, and I often shorten it to just B), whom I had been working with since the Shop Rite LPGA in Atlantic City, noticed a new resolve in my eye once we approached the greens. I told him about my lesson with Ron, and he immediately fell in love with the new confidence I had on the greens. After our nine holer, I played in the Image Group Celebrity/Pro Challenge. My group consisted of Stacy Lewis, who partnered with Christine Brennen (sp?), Nancy Lopez with Jamie Farr (talk about an amazing duo. They were hilarious beyond belief), and I was paired up with Henry Cho, comedian and actor. There were six teams, and four of us tied, meaning we were all winners!
Tuesday evening was followed by my book signing in Toledo, which was awesome, and filled with many great questions. I sold a few books, and met some incredible people.
Following the book signing, I met up with some folks for the Annual Player & Caddy Pool Tournament, and though I came to the tournament late, I took part in the raffle prize giveaway, where like four or five of my six tickets won, and I thus went on to wear all of my winnings. I didn't get home until 11:30, which wasn't too late... Until one considers the fact that I had a 7:20am teetime for my proam the next morning...
5:45 am Wednesday morning came far too early for me, but I managed to make it back to the golf course with plenty of time to tie my shoes and waltz to the putting green. My proam partners were with Penn National Gaming, INC. They are in the top three gaming companies, and are working on opening a Hollywood Casino in the greater Toledo area. When we come back in 2012, I am hoping to stay in said casino! Will be fun! The guys were hilarious, and I really had such a remarkable time with them! Its amazing how much fun one can have on the golf course at such an ungodly hour when you have people around you that love life and know how to try and explain craps to you!!!!
After finishing my proam, I briefly hit the range with B, and as I was going through my shots, I grabbed my 5-iron, and hit a really wonky shot. It went straight as an arrow, but I hit it at a weird angle. I felt a sharp pain on the inside of my right elbow, as if I had hyper-extended my elbow, hit three more shots, and then had to scramble to the LPGA Fitness Trailer. Our physios have great skills, and they were able to help prevent too much swelling in my arm. I never play in pain, but the last two weeks have been pretty much riddled in aches. I had no time to mess around with pain, though. I had a tournament to go after!!!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Toledo Book Signing
For those of you that had missed my signing, either live and in person, or else via UStream, I have once again, put it up for you to enjoy!!!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The LPGA Championship Presented by Wegmans!!!
Well, tis the eve before our second major of the year, the LPGA Championship Presented by Wegmans. You may all be wondering what I am doing to prepare for my first round tomorrow... Candles...? Meditation...? Soothing tea... ? Nooooot quite. I am presently doing laundry. The monotonous drone from the washing machine is putting me into a lull, nay, into a trance, if you will. I am sitting here, waiting for my clothes to get all nice and clean, while I sit back and reflect on my week thus far.
On Monday, I played in an afternoon pro-am at Locust Hills Country Club, the site of the 2010 LPGA Championship Presented by Wegmans. I was fortunate enough to play with Colleen and Joy Wegman, two of the most incredible ladies that I have ever met, and two amazing supporters of this tournament. It is safe to say that without the Wegmans family, as well as the staff for the tournament, the staff at the club, and all of the volunteers, this tournament would not be here today.
Tuesday, I had a 9:00am pro-am time. Monday's pro-am was optional, and has been played for many many years. When Wegmans took over as the presenting sponsor for the LPGA Championship, I believe they requested that their Monday pro-am stay, and I am personally glad that it did. I always get a hoot in my pro-ams, and this week was no exception. Sorry, I digress. The Tuesday Pro-Am, which was put on and sponsored by Excedrin, started off beautifully. There were a few perfect, fluffy clouds in the sky, and my group was amazing. At 10:30, we got through three holes, and just hit our approach shots into the 13th hole, our 4th, when the BERRRRRRRR of the horns blew. Severe weather was approaching. We all scuttled into the maintenance shed, and before we knew it, we were being shlepped back into the clubhouse. After a two hour delay, we were back on the course. Thankfully the clouds stayed away... Or so we thought... At about 3pm, we heard those horns go off again. This time we were on the 7th tee, our 16th of the day. We managed to scurry back into the clubhouse, as there was a severe storm coming our way. Unfortunately, after two more hours, the course was deemed unplayable, and there wasn't going to be enough light out to finish. I felt terrible that we weren't going to be able to complete our round, even though we teed off at 9:00am. I ran to my car, in the pouring rain, and gave each of my pro-am partners a signed copy of my book. It was little consolation, I am sure, as they would have loved to have finished the round, but I hope reading it may brighten their day a bit!
By the way, for those of you wondering, this is how we sometimes enjoy our time while in a rain delay. This was taken during the Korea vs. Nigeria World Cup game, and as you can see, the Korean players are definitely NOT robotic, as many in the world of the media make you believe!
Tuesday night I also had my book signing in the Rochester Barnes&Noble. Penelope, the lady that helped me with said signing and passage reading of my book, was an absolute doll, and in the end, surprise surprise, I walked away with a nook. I know, I don't need one at all, as I have the Kindle DX (though I am letting Jane Park use it as she determines if she wants an iPad for ebook reading) and an iPad... But Penelope was so damned good at selling it, I just had to have it!!!!My evening ended with me coming to my hotel, whipping up a delicious plate of Angel Hair pasta (made from Jerusalem Artichoke Flour), grass-fed ground beef, and a pound of organic spinach, in an organic tomato sauce. Pink Himalayan Sea Salt and Paprika to increase flavor. I finished my evening off with a small bowl of strawberries and a cup of detoxifying tea. 4lbs of epsom salts in my bath, two nights in a row, and I passed out, my Brookstone sleeping mask on.
Today, Wednesday, I had another great day. I woke up after a wondrous night's sleep, got to the course, visited the LPGA Fitness trailer for some stretching, and then hit quite a few balls on the range. My swing is feeling very good, but my clubs, I come to find, were a bit flat. Don't ask me how this happened... I have no clue. After getting them adjusted, I was flushing balls down the range, and a great sense of calm came over me. I was feeling ready to take on the world. After my practice on the range, I had a luncheon and round-table discussion called "Everything Major." The talk was hosted by Gail Graham, former LPGA Player and LPGA President, and present were myself, Betsy Rawls (one of the most incredible women on the planet), Meg Mallon (another amazing human being, and one of my heroes/closest friends) Abby Wambach (Rochester native, and she scored gold medal winning goal in the 2004 Summer Olympics. HERO!!!), and Diann Roffe (Two-time Olympic Medalist, including the gold in the 1994 Winter Olympics in Norway. Amazing woman, great spirit. Utter inspiration!!). I, having only won two LPGA tournaments in my career, felt a bit like the ugly duckling. Very humbled to be in the presence of such greatness, and as we sat in front of 300+ people, I was as enraptured with the conversation as anyone in the room. I sat there, wide-eyed, and gobbled up every bit of information that the amazing women next to me were saying, and though I believe I said a few poignant pieces myself (the only thing that sticks out in my head, when Betsy Rawls and Meg Mallon were discussing what makes separates a good golfer from a great, was when I blurted out "HUH! And here all this time I was thinking it was MONKEY DUST!!!" <-that term was inspired by John Raser, by the way), I felt so honored, so humbled, and so determined to perform, after having sat with such greatness. After the discussion came to a close, Diann Roffe leaned over (as I was sitting next to her!! SQUEEEP!!!!) and said "Christina, I am a huge fan of yours. I think what you did in the Solheim Cup, what you bring to the game of golf, is huge, and you should be proud of yourself." I mean, really?! An Olympic GOLD MEDALIST, a hero to the sports world, was a fan of ME?! I damned near fell out of my chair and almost started to cry. But no. Big girls don't cry. I stammered something utterly incoherent, hugged her, and then floated to the first tee, where I was meeting my caddy, Brian Funk. We calls him BFunk. He lives in Rochester, and so he is the town hero. I love him, and we had such a great day out there in our practice round. We played nine holes, where I hit just about any and every conceivable shot in the book, worked a bit on my putting (long story about my putter to come at another date...) and then came home. As I sit here now, my laundry mumbling something to me in the dryer, I am looking forward to my plate of Jerusalem Artichoke Flour Angel Hair pasta with the same grass-fed ground beef, pound of organic spinach, organic tomato sauce, with my Pink Himalayan Sea Salt and Paprika to flavor that I am going to whip up. Tonight, methinks I will partake in more than 5 strawberries in the bath, which is all I had in my bowl last night, and I will savor my cup of detoxifying tea a little bit slower. My sleeping mask will fall over my eyes, and as I drift off to sleep, I will be looking forward to starting my round tomorrow.
On Monday, I played in an afternoon pro-am at Locust Hills Country Club, the site of the 2010 LPGA Championship Presented by Wegmans. I was fortunate enough to play with Colleen and Joy Wegman, two of the most incredible ladies that I have ever met, and two amazing supporters of this tournament. It is safe to say that without the Wegmans family, as well as the staff for the tournament, the staff at the club, and all of the volunteers, this tournament would not be here today.
The LPGA has been coming to the Rochester, NY region for decades, and the LPGA Wegmans Championship has always been known as one of the tour's staple tournaments. People like to call it a community run event, which makes no sense to me. For years, The Wegmans came the week before the US Women's Open, and was an amazing preparatory course for it. The staff, the crowds, they all treat the LPGA members like royalty. The hospitality is always amazing, large tents are set up all over the course, and this tournament used to always rival the crowds we would get at almost any other tournament, be it a major or not. However, now that this tournament has become a major, people are flooding in at an even more astonishing rate! You should have seen the amount of people that came to support this tournament, on a freaking MONDAY!!! It is more than safe to say that this event definitely has that indescribable, intangible "major" feel to it.
Monday night also brought my personal rendition of Puccini's masterpiece, La Boheme, as I had to tend to the plethora of greenheadhorseflymonstrouslyitchyandmorethanalittlebitpainfulhorrible bug bites that I received in the ShopRite LPGA the week before. I am very surprised that I did not get any phone calls from the front desk asking whether I was performing animal sacrifices or not... The concoction of Bactine+Hydrogen Peroxide+Calamine Lotion provided me with a bit of relief. For a couple of hours, anyway... Suffice to say, the 4lbs of epsom salts that I dumped into my bath that night were quite nice.Tuesday, I had a 9:00am pro-am time. Monday's pro-am was optional, and has been played for many many years. When Wegmans took over as the presenting sponsor for the LPGA Championship, I believe they requested that their Monday pro-am stay, and I am personally glad that it did. I always get a hoot in my pro-ams, and this week was no exception. Sorry, I digress. The Tuesday Pro-Am, which was put on and sponsored by Excedrin, started off beautifully. There were a few perfect, fluffy clouds in the sky, and my group was amazing. At 10:30, we got through three holes, and just hit our approach shots into the 13th hole, our 4th, when the BERRRRRRRR of the horns blew. Severe weather was approaching. We all scuttled into the maintenance shed, and before we knew it, we were being shlepped back into the clubhouse. After a two hour delay, we were back on the course. Thankfully the clouds stayed away... Or so we thought... At about 3pm, we heard those horns go off again. This time we were on the 7th tee, our 16th of the day. We managed to scurry back into the clubhouse, as there was a severe storm coming our way. Unfortunately, after two more hours, the course was deemed unplayable, and there wasn't going to be enough light out to finish. I felt terrible that we weren't going to be able to complete our round, even though we teed off at 9:00am. I ran to my car, in the pouring rain, and gave each of my pro-am partners a signed copy of my book. It was little consolation, I am sure, as they would have loved to have finished the round, but I hope reading it may brighten their day a bit!
By the way, for those of you wondering, this is how we sometimes enjoy our time while in a rain delay. This was taken during the Korea vs. Nigeria World Cup game, and as you can see, the Korean players are definitely NOT robotic, as many in the world of the media make you believe!
Tuesday night I also had my book signing in the Rochester Barnes&Noble. Penelope, the lady that helped me with said signing and passage reading of my book, was an absolute doll, and in the end, surprise surprise, I walked away with a nook. I know, I don't need one at all, as I have the Kindle DX (though I am letting Jane Park use it as she determines if she wants an iPad for ebook reading) and an iPad... But Penelope was so damned good at selling it, I just had to have it!!!!My evening ended with me coming to my hotel, whipping up a delicious plate of Angel Hair pasta (made from Jerusalem Artichoke Flour), grass-fed ground beef, and a pound of organic spinach, in an organic tomato sauce. Pink Himalayan Sea Salt and Paprika to increase flavor. I finished my evening off with a small bowl of strawberries and a cup of detoxifying tea. 4lbs of epsom salts in my bath, two nights in a row, and I passed out, my Brookstone sleeping mask on.
Today, Wednesday, I had another great day. I woke up after a wondrous night's sleep, got to the course, visited the LPGA Fitness trailer for some stretching, and then hit quite a few balls on the range. My swing is feeling very good, but my clubs, I come to find, were a bit flat. Don't ask me how this happened... I have no clue. After getting them adjusted, I was flushing balls down the range, and a great sense of calm came over me. I was feeling ready to take on the world. After my practice on the range, I had a luncheon and round-table discussion called "Everything Major." The talk was hosted by Gail Graham, former LPGA Player and LPGA President, and present were myself, Betsy Rawls (one of the most incredible women on the planet), Meg Mallon (another amazing human being, and one of my heroes/closest friends) Abby Wambach (Rochester native, and she scored gold medal winning goal in the 2004 Summer Olympics. HERO!!!), and Diann Roffe (Two-time Olympic Medalist, including the gold in the 1994 Winter Olympics in Norway. Amazing woman, great spirit. Utter inspiration!!). I, having only won two LPGA tournaments in my career, felt a bit like the ugly duckling. Very humbled to be in the presence of such greatness, and as we sat in front of 300+ people, I was as enraptured with the conversation as anyone in the room. I sat there, wide-eyed, and gobbled up every bit of information that the amazing women next to me were saying, and though I believe I said a few poignant pieces myself (the only thing that sticks out in my head, when Betsy Rawls and Meg Mallon were discussing what makes separates a good golfer from a great, was when I blurted out "HUH! And here all this time I was thinking it was MONKEY DUST!!!" <-that term was inspired by John Raser, by the way), I felt so honored, so humbled, and so determined to perform, after having sat with such greatness. After the discussion came to a close, Diann Roffe leaned over (as I was sitting next to her!! SQUEEEP!!!!) and said "Christina, I am a huge fan of yours. I think what you did in the Solheim Cup, what you bring to the game of golf, is huge, and you should be proud of yourself." I mean, really?! An Olympic GOLD MEDALIST, a hero to the sports world, was a fan of ME?! I damned near fell out of my chair and almost started to cry. But no. Big girls don't cry. I stammered something utterly incoherent, hugged her, and then floated to the first tee, where I was meeting my caddy, Brian Funk. We calls him BFunk. He lives in Rochester, and so he is the town hero. I love him, and we had such a great day out there in our practice round. We played nine holes, where I hit just about any and every conceivable shot in the book, worked a bit on my putting (long story about my putter to come at another date...) and then came home. As I sit here now, my laundry mumbling something to me in the dryer, I am looking forward to my plate of Jerusalem Artichoke Flour Angel Hair pasta with the same grass-fed ground beef, pound of organic spinach, organic tomato sauce, with my Pink Himalayan Sea Salt and Paprika to flavor that I am going to whip up. Tonight, methinks I will partake in more than 5 strawberries in the bath, which is all I had in my bowl last night, and I will savor my cup of detoxifying tea a little bit slower. My sleeping mask will fall over my eyes, and as I drift off to sleep, I will be looking forward to starting my round tomorrow.
Book Signing in Rochester, NY
For those of you that haven't seen them, I have been UStreaming my book signings for the book Alan Shipnuck and I have written, Swinging From My Heels. I have decided that every week I will post the UStream video from each signing, that way my loving followers (that's YOU!!!) will be able to see my signings! Also, this will make me feel less like ish since my last blog update was back in the Mesozoic Era... Again, my bad!!!
The signing in Rochester was awesome, by the way! I saw a few people that I have known for years, and also met a lot of new faces! The interactions that I am having with the people that have come out has been incredible, and I am looking forward to the remaining signings that are left!
The signing in Rochester was awesome, by the way! I saw a few people that I have known for years, and also met a lot of new faces! The interactions that I am having with the people that have come out has been incredible, and I am looking forward to the remaining signings that are left!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
I know, I know...
I am so so sorry it has been so long since my last post!!! I have the ability to try and use so many excuses, but there are not really any that would denote the fact that I have let my blog go by the way side! I have a new vigor for sharing my experiences with you all and am so stoked to get back into blogging! I hope you can all forgive me and continue to enjoy my life's sharings with you all!!! Oh, and by the way, you all have @urfriendbwhite to thank for me getting back into this. He gave me Hell for not giving him something to read and continue to be enthralled with, so this one's for you, kiddo!!!
And since @johnraser introduced myself to B White, I suppose we should thank him as well. Actually, JR has been an inspiration anyway, a true friend that has accepted me for the good AND the grumpy, and I wish nothing but the best for him. You rock, dudes.
Ugh... Where to even begin... Since I last posted (prior to my Book Signing Schedule, which I will be updating every time there is a new venue, by the way...), I have played a half dozen tournaments or so... Or at least been seen on the golf course, with a golf club in my hands, thrashing away at the grass, anyway. I have been undergoing a lot of swing changes, as well as trying to juggle a bunch of commitments, book signings, and what have you.

Here I am with Mariah, a future star in the world. Not just the world of golf, but the world. Period. She is going to be a mover and shaker. And speaking of movers, here I am with Usain Bolt, the world's fastest man. He and I had quite a few laughs when I met him, and he even used my driver when he hit his first teeshot ever. And man, HE IS TALL!!!!!!

Here are a few pics from the last night out we had. There was champagne, dancing, a true celebration for a wonderful tournament. That is Ed Moses, 2000 Olympic Gold Medalist, one of the founders of Mojo Marketing and Media, and one of my closest friends. An awesome human being, and one of the driving forces as to my desire to want to change the world. As time goes on, I may touch up on some, if not all of the other tournaments, but The Mojo 6 was an incredibly fun week, one which I would never want to trade for the world!
OK, that is all for now! I am going to get some shuteye before heading out to the beach for a weekend fun trip with the girls! Ciao for now!!!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Book Signings
Hey there, here is a current list of the book signings I plan on doing. If and when there are updates, I will let you know!!!
TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 2010 at 7 p.m.
Barnes & Noble
3111 South Veterans Pkwy
Springfield, IL 62704
FRIDAY or SATURDAY, JUNE 18 or 19, time TBD
Seaview Dolce Resort- Bay Course
401 South New York Road, Galloway, NJ 08205
TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2010 at 7 p.m.
Barnes & Noble
3349 Monroe Avenue
Rochester, NY 14618
TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 2010 at 7 p.m.
Barnes & Noble
4940 Monroe Street
Toledo, OH 43623
Wednesday, July 7, 2010 at 11 a.m.
Oakmont Country Club
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 2010 at 7 p.m.
Barnes & Noble
18300 NW Evergreen Pkwy
Beaverton, OR 97006
TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 2010 at 7 p.m.
Barnes & Noble
3111 South Veterans Pkwy
Springfield, IL 62704
FRIDAY or SATURDAY, JUNE 18 or 19, time TBD
Seaview Dolce Resort- Bay Course
401 South New York Road, Galloway, NJ 08205
TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2010 at 7 p.m.
Barnes & Noble
3349 Monroe Avenue
Rochester, NY 14618
TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 2010 at 7 p.m.
Barnes & Noble
4940 Monroe Street
Toledo, OH 43623
Wednesday, July 7, 2010 at 11 a.m.
Oakmont Country Club
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 2010 at 7 p.m.
Barnes & Noble
18300 NW Evergreen Pkwy
Beaverton, OR 97006
This is just a quick post listing where I am going to be having my book signings!!! If you are in the Bay area, PLEASE COME AND SAY HI!!!! I will be UStreaming my very first book passage reading tomorrow, so if you can not make it, you can still be a part of it! :)
I will be posting something new (I know, I know) very soon!!!
at 7 p.m. (with Alan)
Borders Union Square
400 Post Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
at 7 p.m. (with Alan)
Barnes & Noble
Eastridge Mall
2200 Eastridge Loop
San Jose, CA 95122
FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2010
at 7 p.m. (with Alan)
Book Passage
51 Tamal Vista Blvd.
Corte Madera, CA 94925
(415) 927-0960
at 2 p.m. (with Alan)
2080 California Avenue
Sand City, CA 93955
I will be posting something new (I know, I know) very soon!!!
at 7 p.m. (with Alan)
Borders Union Square
400 Post Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
at 7 p.m. (with Alan)
Barnes & Noble
Eastridge Mall
2200 Eastridge Loop
San Jose, CA 95122
FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2010
at 7 p.m. (with Alan)
Book Passage
51 Tamal Vista Blvd.
Corte Madera, CA 94925
(415) 927-0960
at 2 p.m. (with Alan)
2080 California Avenue
Sand City, CA 93955
Monday, March 8, 2010
Winners of the #CKJR announced!!!
First off, I would like to say thank you (THANK YOU!!!!) to everyone that took time out of their lives to comment on and make suggestions regarding the first ever #CKJR!!!! It was far more of a success than either John or I could have imagined! We both are so grateful for the support we both received, and wish we could grant everyone a prize. The suggestions were amazing, and the comments were so kind and so helpful!!! We are both looking forward to the next #CKJR match, where I am hoping to even the score..... Watch below for the announcement for the two final winners!!!! Thank you again for all of your support, John and I will be making the next installment THAT much better, thanks to all of the suggestions! HUGS, and MAD CONGRATS to the two finalists!!! Talk about a STRENGTHY competition!!!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Thailand, 2010
So begins the fun…
We have arrived in Thailand. It took us nearly seventeen hours to fly over the Pacific Ocean to touch down in Bangkok, followed by another two hours via bus to arrive at our resort here in Pattaya.
One’s senses are entirely taken over. Beautiful Buddhist temples, surrounded by thick, lush foliage. Birds of every shade, monkeys, elephants, cobras-all available on display, as well as some just roaming freely in the streets. The people, with their dark sundrenched skin, are always peaceful, collected. The exotic smells of coconut, lemongrass, and various other spices fill the air, making one’s stomach growl with anticipation of the mind-altering foods experienced here. There is always movement in the air, be it from the flutter of wings, the music of the Thai language, or just the sound of the gentle breeze caressing whatever is in it’s path. This place is magical beyond belief, and I am so thrilled to have my season start in such an alluring locale.
The flight was fairly smooth. Hell, there might have been a change in aircrafts halfway over the Pacific and I would not have been the wiser. One thing I do well is sleep on planes. I could be completely knocked out for an entire trans-Atlantic flight. Having said that, I was able to sleep for about 11 hours of the flight, with a few moments of less than entirely cognitive thought here and there. I had a great chat with my girls, Morgan Pressel, Meaghan Francella, Natalie Gulbis, Brittany Lang and Stacy Lewis. The start of the season is always like the first day of school, where you find out what your friends did over the break. People are buying new houses, cars, going on vacations, making new friends, being on TV shows, and whatnot. It’s pretty awesome, and we are all very fortunate to be in a place in life where we are able to achieve these things.

Everyone is very excited to read my book, and there is already a queue for the two books that I brought with me. MF and MP were the first to read them, and Nat is next in line. (She was asleep when I busted them out.) I am trying to keep it hush hush, as I do not want to be bombarded with a queue so long that I will never see the books again! So far, I am thrilled and humbled to say that both MF and MP loved it; they were laughing hysterically and quoting lines the entire time they had their hands on it. I am not sure how all of the other people riding in business class felt, as it was somewhere in the middle of the night Thailand time when they were reading it. Meaghan got a bit of a head start in reading it and when she finished, she gave it to Natalie to start reading. I am very curious as to what the girls think of the book, especially considering the fact that they are in it themselves.
This marks the very first time that I did not once turn on my inflight entertainment system. I had my iPhone blaring Shinedown’s Sound of Madness on repeat for about three hours. I also had my MacBook Pro up, watching the two music videos for Sound of Madness-the original music video, as well as a live performance from one of their concerts in Atlanta. Obsessed much with that song? Just shmaybe a lil bit. I can sing every word to that and several other Shinedown songs. Call me what you will, but I know I am just dedicated lol!!!
Including players, caddies, tour officials, agents and family members, we had approx 25 people on our flight, and the tournament had a great big 40-50 passenger bus to take us the normally two hours to Pattaya from the airport in Bangkok. Took everyone about 45 minutes to get everything organized, because the bag-person ratio is close to 3-1, if you include large carry-on bags. I myself had two suitcases, a golf bag, and a carry-on. And my purse. I’m going to be gone for a month overseas, whatever! We managed to get everyone’s luggage in either the bottom cargo compartment, or up in the back few rows of the bus. Only thing was that now we were having to share a lot of seats. Now mind you this isn’t that big a deal, but after a nearly 17 hour flight, we like having a little bit of space. Especially when a few days ago, 49 states had received at least a sprinkling of snow, and then suddenly we were thrown into the tropical heat!
On board the bus, we had snacks, and had a chance to catch up a little bit more with one another. Lots of changes took place over the offseason for many people. You need not know what we discussed, but all seems to be well for everyone.
The ride ended up taking only 90 minutes, due in part and many thanks to our police escort. There were trucks, buses, motorcycles and tuk-tuks (Thailand’s version of the rickshaw) EVERYWHERE!!! We were dodging people left and right, but it was a fairly smooth ride, considering how scary a ride can actually be here without the police escort. It reminds me like much of Italy, where the white painted lines indicating lane separation is taken more as a suggestion and less a guideline or law.
Our hotel is utterly breathtaking, with some amazing foliage, beautiful beaches, and stunning pools, gym, restaurant, spa, you name it. We are all very happy to arrive to such a wondrous resort, especially after such a long trip. In total, some girls that flew from Orlando to Thailand took about 30 hours under their belts. It's amazing what we do for our jobs, us and everyone else in the world.
The wonderful people with BBTV Channel 7, the official television channel used here in Thailand to broadcast the event, had stamps made of each player participating in the tournament. It's so sweet the things people do for you, isn't it? I don't care for or want for big lavish gifts that can be purchased in bulk and mean nothing. When someone take time out of their day to come up with something creative and truly touching, I think that shows someone's character and thoughtfulness. But then again, what do I know? I buy and get big lavish gifts, but those are normally for myself!
Anyway, I am off to go hit the beach and or the pool before I practice and play a quick nine holes in the afternoon. If I stay in the room for too long, I will surely end up napping and suffering from some severe jet-lag!
On a side note, please remember that the #CKJR Giveaway (see previous post) ends on Friday, Feb 21st at 12:00midnight.
On yet ANOTHER note, my travels are listed below. For those that forgot, I am going to log just how many miles I fly this year, as it does fascinate me. I posted an entry about it here. That being said, I have to refresh the numbers...
2819 (previous total, up to travel to Jamaica, 1/31)
1120 MJB-ATL
2210 MCO-LAX
8262 LAX-BKK
14,813 miles
Perhaps I shall do a contest.... Hmmm... gears turning... OKOK, I have to go! *hugs*
We have arrived in Thailand. It took us nearly seventeen hours to fly over the Pacific Ocean to touch down in Bangkok, followed by another two hours via bus to arrive at our resort here in Pattaya.
One’s senses are entirely taken over. Beautiful Buddhist temples, surrounded by thick, lush foliage. Birds of every shade, monkeys, elephants, cobras-all available on display, as well as some just roaming freely in the streets. The people, with their dark sundrenched skin, are always peaceful, collected. The exotic smells of coconut, lemongrass, and various other spices fill the air, making one’s stomach growl with anticipation of the mind-altering foods experienced here. There is always movement in the air, be it from the flutter of wings, the music of the Thai language, or just the sound of the gentle breeze caressing whatever is in it’s path. This place is magical beyond belief, and I am so thrilled to have my season start in such an alluring locale.
The flight was fairly smooth. Hell, there might have been a change in aircrafts halfway over the Pacific and I would not have been the wiser. One thing I do well is sleep on planes. I could be completely knocked out for an entire trans-Atlantic flight. Having said that, I was able to sleep for about 11 hours of the flight, with a few moments of less than entirely cognitive thought here and there. I had a great chat with my girls, Morgan Pressel, Meaghan Francella, Natalie Gulbis, Brittany Lang and Stacy Lewis. The start of the season is always like the first day of school, where you find out what your friends did over the break. People are buying new houses, cars, going on vacations, making new friends, being on TV shows, and whatnot. It’s pretty awesome, and we are all very fortunate to be in a place in life where we are able to achieve these things.

Everyone is very excited to read my book, and there is already a queue for the two books that I brought with me. MF and MP were the first to read them, and Nat is next in line. (She was asleep when I busted them out.) I am trying to keep it hush hush, as I do not want to be bombarded with a queue so long that I will never see the books again! So far, I am thrilled and humbled to say that both MF and MP loved it; they were laughing hysterically and quoting lines the entire time they had their hands on it. I am not sure how all of the other people riding in business class felt, as it was somewhere in the middle of the night Thailand time when they were reading it. Meaghan got a bit of a head start in reading it and when she finished, she gave it to Natalie to start reading. I am very curious as to what the girls think of the book, especially considering the fact that they are in it themselves.
This marks the very first time that I did not once turn on my inflight entertainment system. I had my iPhone blaring Shinedown’s Sound of Madness on repeat for about three hours. I also had my MacBook Pro up, watching the two music videos for Sound of Madness-the original music video, as well as a live performance from one of their concerts in Atlanta. Obsessed much with that song? Just shmaybe a lil bit. I can sing every word to that and several other Shinedown songs. Call me what you will, but I know I am just dedicated lol!!!
Including players, caddies, tour officials, agents and family members, we had approx 25 people on our flight, and the tournament had a great big 40-50 passenger bus to take us the normally two hours to Pattaya from the airport in Bangkok. Took everyone about 45 minutes to get everything organized, because the bag-person ratio is close to 3-1, if you include large carry-on bags. I myself had two suitcases, a golf bag, and a carry-on. And my purse. I’m going to be gone for a month overseas, whatever! We managed to get everyone’s luggage in either the bottom cargo compartment, or up in the back few rows of the bus. Only thing was that now we were having to share a lot of seats. Now mind you this isn’t that big a deal, but after a nearly 17 hour flight, we like having a little bit of space. Especially when a few days ago, 49 states had received at least a sprinkling of snow, and then suddenly we were thrown into the tropical heat!
On board the bus, we had snacks, and had a chance to catch up a little bit more with one another. Lots of changes took place over the offseason for many people. You need not know what we discussed, but all seems to be well for everyone.
The ride ended up taking only 90 minutes, due in part and many thanks to our police escort. There were trucks, buses, motorcycles and tuk-tuks (Thailand’s version of the rickshaw) EVERYWHERE!!! We were dodging people left and right, but it was a fairly smooth ride, considering how scary a ride can actually be here without the police escort. It reminds me like much of Italy, where the white painted lines indicating lane separation is taken more as a suggestion and less a guideline or law.

The wonderful people with BBTV Channel 7, the official television channel used here in Thailand to broadcast the event, had stamps made of each player participating in the tournament. It's so sweet the things people do for you, isn't it? I don't care for or want for big lavish gifts that can be purchased in bulk and mean nothing. When someone take time out of their day to come up with something creative and truly touching, I think that shows someone's character and thoughtfulness. But then again, what do I know? I buy and get big lavish gifts, but those are normally for myself!
Anyway, I am off to go hit the beach and or the pool before I practice and play a quick nine holes in the afternoon. If I stay in the room for too long, I will surely end up napping and suffering from some severe jet-lag!
On a side note, please remember that the #CKJR Giveaway (see previous post) ends on Friday, Feb 21st at 12:00midnight.
On yet ANOTHER note, my travels are listed below. For those that forgot, I am going to log just how many miles I fly this year, as it does fascinate me. I posted an entry about it here. That being said, I have to refresh the numbers...
2819 (previous total, up to travel to Jamaica, 1/31)
1120 MJB-ATL
2210 MCO-LAX
8262 LAX-BKK
14,813 miles
Perhaps I shall do a contest.... Hmmm... gears turning... OKOK, I have to go! *hugs*
Saturday, February 13, 2010
#CKJR, the aftermath
Hey there, everyone!!! If this is your first encounter with the SuperBowl Sunday #CKJR Showdown thingy, you must have been hiding under a rock or been abducted by aliens. Either way, welcome back.
On SuperBowl Sunday, my buddy John Raser, aka @johnraser and I played in a (somewhat) friendly match. At stake (other than pride)-the loser has to caddy for the winner in a tournament of the winner's choice. Within a day of the challenge (made via twitter, thank you) it was all abuzz. Even The Golf Channel folks knew and Yahoo! News picked up the story!
I won't bore you with the details of the match (John won with an incredible birdie on the 18th hole... whatever... ;) Loves you!!!), but it was an exciting and utterly thrilling day! I hadn't laughed that much in such a long time. Yeah, a tiny crush might have formed from all of this, I won't lie. John is an absolute doll, we have somewhat similar personalities (a true rarity), and he beat me in golf. As is, is and did my buddy, Eddie Moses. There's a pattern, it seems. Oh well. So I am going to be "roughing it up on the Tar Heel Tour" as I have read somewhere. I can not wait!
Anyway, in the aftermath of the first #CKJR, John and I were brainstorming, and here is what we have since come up with. Watch the video below, comment so that we can read, confer with one another, and decide. Many thanks, good luck, we will be in touch!
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